Earth to Sky: The Art of Barbara S. Scott and David Holland
This exhibition is the story and celebration of Barbara Scott and David Holland and their thirty-year friendship as artists, supporting and encouraging each other as they developed their unique artistic voices.
"Wood seems such a common material, but it like us, has the capacity for transformation into wholly new forms of beauty and meaning beyond the physical." - Barbara S. Scott
Scott has found wood to be the perfect sculptural material to express the power of the human spirit. Wood, like people, has the capacity for transformation into new forms of beauty and meaning beyond the physical.
"I relish every moment of time I spend observing and photographing storms, and then I use my photographs to capture in oil paintings their timeless beauty and undeniable power." - David Holland
Holland watches the sky and captures clouds. Oklahoma's storms fascinate him. He paints them from images he curates from thousands of photographs. He thinks of each of his paintings as portraits of unique individuals, capturing that moment in time where each reveals their most powerful presence and their most stunning beauty.
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