B.D. (Babe) Eddie

B.D. (Babe) Eddie
“[We] owe much to this public-spirited man who utilized the results of his labors as an investment in the future.”
B. D. “Babe” Eddie was born in Lebanon before his family arrived in the United States two years later and moved to Oklahoma City when he was three years old. A small family grocery store blossomed into a prosperous livestock feed business, but Eddie began his business career as an Oklahoma City newspaper carrier at age 12. In 1922, his family bought the Stockyards Milling Co., converted it into a feed plant and christened it the Eddie Feed Co., the forerunner of Superior Feed Mills, Inc., which was sold by the Eddie Family in 1961. Babe Eddie, who headed B. D. Enterprises, remained an officer of the mill but also became involved with Liberty National Bank and Trust Co. as director and Citizens National Bank, which he co-founded, as well as serving on the boards of several other area banks. Eddie, with his wife, Pauline, gifted Oklahoma City with not only an 89’ers Statue, but also financed a galleria for the Oklahoma Heritage Center, while located in the Hefner Mansion, and donated a three-story building to the United Appeal organization. He was active in the YMCA, National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.
Fun fact
The B. D. Eddie estate was a 26-room, Mediterranean style home purchased in 1943. The family lived there with Mr. Eddie’s brother and his family. Formal dinner parties with 60 or 70 guests were a common occurrence. Movie star Danny Thomas and his wife were often guests in the home.
Oklahoma connections
Eddie came with his family to Oklahoma City in 1906.