Albert L. Kates

Albert L. Kates
“Soft money makes a man soft and easily impressed with bad influences. I would rather be poor and sleep well at nights than to be rich and surrounded by body guards and bad dreams.”
Albert Linwood Kates was born on a farm in New Jersey and began working for the local Register newspaper as a printer’s apprentice. He gradually worked up to journeyman printer and began reporting and writing for the paper. He was married and moved with his family to Claremore in 1893, where he purchased the Claremore Progress. Kates was among only a few newspaper editors in the Territory who worked for the merger of Oklahoma and Indian territories into one state. He was also active in politics and civic organizations and served as special officer of the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1896 and was postmaster at Claremore under U.S. Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. He also served as president of the Indian Territory Press Association and the Oklahoma Press Association.
Fun fact
Albert Kates was known as one of the fearless, pioneer newspapermen of the West and was often referred to as “Pop” or “Daddy” Kates.
Oklahoma connections
Kates moved with his wife to Claremore in 1893 as a newspaperman.