The Museum will be open 1pm - 5pm today, Jan. 10th.

Walter Harrison

Class of
Walter Harrison

Walter Harrison

“During his twenty-five years of active service as managing editor of The Oklahoman and Times, Harrison was one of the most forceful figures in Oklahoma journalism.”
Tulsa Timeline, 1961


Born in Kentucky, Walter Harrison, best known simply as “Skipper,” was already a reporter for Iowa’s Sioux City Daily newspaper in high school and went on to graduate from Iowa State College before working at the Des Moines Register, San Francisco Bulletin and Call, Winnipeg Tribune, and Minneapolis Tribune. Harrison became managing editor of The Daily Oklahoman and the Oklahoma City Times (1916-1946) and was president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors for two terms before becoming a news commentator for KOMA Radio (1946) and editing the weekly magazine Free Speech. He became part owner and manager of KTOW Radio in Oklahoma City in 1948 and served on the city council (1949-1957). Harrison was chairman of the board of Britton Printing Co., Inc. and owner of the North Star, an Oklahoma City weekly until his death. Harrison also served as chairman of the Oklahoma Associated Press Editorial Association and was on the editorial affairs committee of the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association.

Fun fact

Walter Harrison was well known for his creative newspaper column titles including This is the Skipper, Tiny Times, Out of My Wastebasket, and his autobiographical work - Me and My Big Mouth.

Oklahoma connections

Harrison came to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in 1916.


Oklahoma City







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