John Franklin Easley

John Franklin Easley
“Fifty-two years of service as a journalist with an active eye to the future…that’s John Franklin Easley.”
John Franklin Easley was born in Texas and moved with his family to Love County, Oklahoma, in 1887 and received his teaching certificate at the age of 18. He began his teaching career in Nocona, Texas, in 1894 and moved to Ardmore, Oklahoma, to serve as a teacher at Indianola Business College in 1896. Needing a summer job, Easley happened upon the Daily Ardmorite and took a temporary job at the newspaper – only to stay there for the rest of his life. Easley purchased the newspaper in 1919 and established himself as a major factor in the growth of Ardmore and its trade area. He was active in the establishment of the city’s first government, school system and water and sewer system. In 1935, he established Ardmore’s KVSO Radio, one of the earliest regional radio stations in Oklahoma, and received the University of Oklahoma’s Distinguished Service Award in 1952.
Fun fact
John Franklin Easley, “Mr. Ardmore,” began his historic career as a journalist and newspaperman as a temporary summer employee at the Daily Ardmorite.
Oklahoma connections
Easley came with his parents to Love County, Oklahoma, in 1887.