Frank Bailey

Frank Bailey
Few men who crossed history in Oklahoma have done more in the cultural life and served its people than Judge Bailey…
A native of Mississippi, Frank M. Bailey was 27 years old when he settled in Chickasha, Oklahoma, and began his legendary half-century of legal service to the residents of Grady County and the state of Oklahoma. He served as Judge of the 15th Judicial District (1907-1915) and was appointed to the bench of the Oklahoma State Supreme Court (1919-1921). He also served twice, in 1917 and 1937, as president of the Oklahoma State Bar Association.
Judge Bailey was president of the Chickasha Board of Education, the Chickasha Chamber of Commerce, and the local chapter of the Boy Scouts of America. He was a charter member of the city’s Kiwanis Club and served as president of the club and as governor of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis. He was a member of the board of Epworth University, now Oklahoma City University, and served as a member of the first board of regents of the Oklahoma College for Women, now the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.
Fun fact
At the time Frank Bailey was the only man in the history of Oklahoma to have the distinction of serving twice as president of the Oklahoma State Bar Association – once in 1917 and the other in 1937.
Oklahoma connections
Bailey settled in Chickasha, Oklahoma, in 1903.