Port Robertson book
Port Robertson did as much as anyone for the University of Oklahoma Athletic Department. As head coach, he led his wrestlers to three NCAA titles, and as head freshman football coach, he turned raw recruits into the material that Bud Wilkinson and Gomer Jones shaped into superb football machines that won 31 and 47 contests in a row. He also served his country, swimming ashore at Normandy and turning America's underdog wrestlers at the Rome Olympics in 1960 into a powerful team that brought home three gold medals. But Robertson's greatest achievement may have been as academic counselor to all the university's male athletes for a couple of generations. Watching over study halls, checking students grades, hiring tutors for them, and making sure they went to class, he personally kept them eligible and graduating and turned them into productive citizens who learned what it meant to work and to be responsible. And they loved him for it.