Bartlesville Means Business
It turns out that Hillcrest Country Club is not at all what you might presume. From its very first day it has been an indispensible instrument of the business community to build Bartlesville. The city has gone to extraordinary lengths to produce a community of notable architecture and attractive development. Notably among these, they thought it essential to provide a stylish country club and singular gold course. From the beginning, the club membership has been very open and surprisingly broad-based, more interested in business acumen than antiquated social conventions. Along the way, through the golf games and tournaments, parties and wedding receptions, luncheons and banquets, swimming and tennis it has been a very pleasant means of building social capital in a city that is remarkable in its exploitation of that principle of successful business. So it turns out that Hillcrest Country Club is really a vital civic organization with a history that is as rollicking and audacious as it is sedate and distinguished.