Karen Anson
Karen Anson is a 1969 graduate of New Lima [Oklahoma] high school and Seminole State College and she attended the University of Oklahoma. She spent 20 years as an editor at the Seminole Producer, leaving in 2007 to write a novel, and returning as senior editor in 2011. She has been published in Oklahoma Today and by the Associated Press. The Oklahoma Heritage Association published her biography of Melvin Moran, Moving Heaven and Earth. Anson has written a novel about small town life, which is currently unpublished. Her next project is the biography of Jasmine Moran. Anson lives in Seminole with her husband, Jerry. They have three grown children and five grandsons.
Hall of Fame Inductee
Recent Publications

The Path I Chose
Jasmine Moran had to grow up quickly during World War II to care for her sister. She eventually made her way to Oklahoma, where she and her husband Melvin founded the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum and worked as animal rights activists. Her story shows that tough beginnings can inspire resilience and good works.

The Impossible Dream
Melvin Moran was moved by a divine experience to create the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum. Despite many obstacles, the museum became a reality with the help of divine intervention and hard work. Executive Director Marci Donaho remarked that many times things shouldn't have happened, but did, making the museum a miracle.

Moving Heaven and Earth
Melvin Moran was born in 1930 and lived through many economic highs and lows, serving in the US Air Force and making friends with politicians and history makers. He faced a crisis in Jerusalem, but ultimately contributed to Oklahoma's children with the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum. This museum will have an impact far beyond Moran's lifetime.