American Jurist: The Life of Judge Alfred P. Murrah
A "Judge's Judge" best describes Alfred P. Murrah. Someone once said that "Fish" Murrah knew more judges than anyone else in America. That is why he was selected as the Director of the Federal Judicial Center in Washington, D.C. Spanning more than a half-century, Murrah's accomplishments as a lawyer and judge are legendary. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him a federal judge at age 32, Murrah was one of the youngest federal judges ever to serve in the United States. More than half of his life was spent on the federal bench, and his imprint in American jurisprudence was wide and deep. The work on this biography began more than three years before the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, names for Judge Murrah, was bombed on April 19, 1995, thus imprinting the name of Alfred P. Murrah on the minds of millions worldwide. If judge Murrah were alive today he would be honored to have the story of his life's work dedicated to the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.